Opdracht ‘*#4’ ‘Make a suggestion’
Learning targets:
- Development of an idea/opinion related to a large organisation
- Training in communication of a message
- Development of designing skills
- Development of presentation skills
Designer Martijn Engelbregt adresses through his organisation ‘de dienst’ every citizen of the Netherlands to develop a work of art and a new logo for the Tweede Kamer (government, Lower House). There is only one restriction to the work of art/design (and the logo) and this is the realisation-budget, which is 16 million eurocent (one cent for every citizen of the Netherlands). A number of locations are designated which you can choose from, the Inquiryhall, the Garden, the former State-archive, the former ministery of Foreign affairs, the underpass to the Lower House, the facade, the entrance, the square or a different location which you can choose yourselve.
Determine what you want to discuss in the Lower House through an work of art in which communication is the keyword. Think about actual social issues, the meaning of democratie, the concept of house of representatives, comparison within a society etc.
The new logo can be developed independly or in relation with the artwork/design. Condition with the assignment is that you consider how to actual make the work/design, through an spatial design (for example a photocollage of maquette). Make sure a clear impression exists of you’re work/design. For the logo you need to make at least tree implementations of the logo, in different publications, media etc.
Programm of demands:
- Development of an artwork (in which communication is the main keyword)
- Development of a logo for the Lower House
- Visualisation of the artwork in the chosen enviroment
- Implementation of the logo in three different publications/media
19/11 Assignment
25/11 excursie to the Lower House
Martijn Engelbregt, Renate Boere en Roger Teeuwen
Pay attention: thursdayafternoon instad of friday, beeldontwikkeling
(imagedevelopment) by Vanessa van Dam will be on another day.
3/12 You did research on the issue (Lower House, democratie) and related
subject which you are interested in to use as a subject for you’re
artwork. From this research you developed an preliminary concept.
Try to already use image-material to support you’re concept, which
still can be referential in this stage. Use you’re workbook to collect
every part of you’re research an concept. Develop different idea’s
following you’re concept and make sketches so we can see and test
which translation works the most succesful.
10/12 Determine you’re final concept and start with a lot of design-sketches.
Try to imagine what the characteristics of the specific spatial
situation are and try to keep in focus what you want to say through
the artwork. Develop different solutions and think of the range of
possibilities: monumental, publicity, photography, interactivity, light
etc. At the same time develop and design the new logo for the Lower
House, determine you’re final concept an d make the translation to
17/12 Develop prototypes to test both the artwork and the logodesign,
including spatial visualisation and implementation of the logo. Test if
the choises you made succesfully communicate the message. And
think about how to cummunicate the new artwork and logo n the
Lower House.
24/12 Presentation
Softwaredevlopment: (not final)
- presentationtechniques
- photoshop
Tweede Kamer roept Nederlanders op voor deelname kunstproject
Op welke manier wil jij je stem laten horen in Den Haag?
De Tweede Kamer geeft alle Nederlanders de mogelijkheid een voorstel in te dienen voor een nieuw kunstwerk voor de Tweede Kamer. Alle voorstellen worden geplaatst op de website: http://de-dienst.nl waarna er op gestemd kan worden. Het meest gewaardeerde voorstel wordt in 2005 uitgevoerd.
Elke Nederlander kan zelf iets nieuws bedenken speciaal voor de Tweede Kamer. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld duidelijk maken hoe je over de volksvertegenwoordiging denkt, je kunt een boodschap meegeven aan politici of je kunt iets bedenken waardoor er 'betere' beslissingen worden genomen.
Deze wedstrijd is bedoeld voor alle Nederlanders; er worden vooraf geen beperkingen gesteld; tekeningen, schilderijen, breiwerkjes, samenwerkprojecten, beeldhouwwerken, (video)installaties, foto?s, conceptuele kunst, ... alles kan.
Meer info: http://de-dienst.nl
of ga naar: http://www.tweedekamer.nl en klik op 'de Dienst'
Voorstellen kunnen ingediend worden t/m 21 januari 2005, in maart 2005 worden de verkozen voorstellen bekendgemaakt.
Er is ook een subwedstrijd om met nieuwe voorstellen te komen voor een nieuw logo voor de Tweede Kamer:http://de-dienst.nl/nieuwlogo
Vriendelijke groet,
Martijn Engelbregt
de Dienst; onderzoeksorgaan voor kunsttoepassingen voor het Logement van de Tweede Kamer
W http://de-dienst.nl
A Plein 23, Den Haag
P Postbus 20018, 2500 EA, Den Haag
M 06.26082709
F 070.3182133