May 23, 2007

Future is hidden

Communicate with Twopoints.Net

Life itself will be the information source of this workshop. Twopoints.Net wants you to go out and investigate your hometown Rotterdam. The subject of the workshop will be "Communication". Where and how the citizens communicate? Which physical and non-physical media they use? Which social nets they create and for which reasons? How we could use these nets? How we could improve them? This workshop don't want you to give concrete technical answers, but use these question to start your own investigation. It wants you to be aware of the communication tools that we are surrounded with and that we, as visual communicating professionals, could use. Start documentating, experimentating, creating and make this week into a think tank of ideas.

The final result could be a visual documentation of your investigation theme or even an idea for a new communication tool itself. Don't feel limited in the media you use for presenting your work. It could be anything. As long it is appropiate for the content you want to transmit.

The workshop will be divided in three parts:
1. In part one you will start your research. Find out what for communication tools exist, choose the approach you are interested in and concentrate your research on these.
2. In part two you'll need to develop your theme and think of the visualization of it.
3. In part three you will give a first presentation of your results, we will discuss the presentation and your work and see if there is something you should improve until the final presentation.
4. In part four you adjust, correct and finish off your work for the final presentation.
5. Final presentation. Your presentation should consists of the documentation which lead to the final result and the final result itself.

During the two weeks the students redefined the assignment.
For the log and the results:

Posted by Roger Teeuwen at May 23, 2007 11:12 AM
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